Confrencea Confrencea- Virtual International Confrences is a platform created to publish the research papers of the confrences organized worldwide en-US Confrencea Yangi-O‘zbekistonning – Yangi-Bahori <p>Ushbu maqolada afsonaviy “Bahor” ansamblining tashkil topishi, ansambl<br>repertuaridan joy olgan milliy raqslar, ijodiy safarlar hamda 2020-yilning 4-fevral<br>kuni “Milliy raqs san’atini yanada rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”<br>Prezident qarorining mazmun-mohiyati va bugungi kundagi ijrosi haqida so‘z<br>boradi.</p> Asqarova Mushtariy Copyright (c) 2024 Asqarova Mushtariy 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 5 2 5 O‘ZBEKISTONDA MILLIY BALETINING RIVOJLANISH BOSQICHLARI <p>Ushbu maqolada o‘zbek milliy baletining tarixi, shakllanish<br>jarayoni, raqs san’atining shakllanish bosqichlari, jumladan insonga ruhiyatiga<br>ta’siri haqida so‘z yuritiladi.</p> Sarvinoz Erkaboyeva Copyright (c) 2024 Sarvinoz Erkaboyeva 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 5 6 11 TOVUSHNING FIZIKAVIY XARAKTERISTIKALARI VA TIBBIYOTDA TOVUSHDAN FOYDALANISH. <p>Biz atrofimizdagi asosiy ma'lumotlarni eshitish va ko‘rish<br>organlari orqali qabul qilamiz. Ikkala holda ham biz ob'ektlar haqida ma'lumotlarni<br>ular bilan jismoniy kontaktsiz olamiz. Tovush va yorug‘lik turli fizik hodisalar<br>bo‘lishiga qaramay, ularning har ikkisi ham to‘lqindir. To‘lqinlar tomonidan<br>tashiladigan energiya bizning sensor mexanizmlarimizni qo‘zg‘atadi.<br>Tovush vibratsiya bo‘layotgan jism tomonidan chiqariladigan mexanik to‘lqindir.<br>Masalan, kamerton yoki inson tovush paylari tebranma harakat qilsa, ularning<br>atrofidagi havo molekulalari harakatlanib, tebranayotgan jism harakatiga monand<br>ravishda o‘zgaradi. Tebranayotgan molekulalar o‘z navbatida harakatini qo‘shni<br>molekulalarga uzatadi. Havo tebranishlari quloqqa yetib borganida ular nog‘ora<br>pardaning vibratsiyasiga sababchi bo‘ladi. Bu esa o‘z navbatida bosh miyasi<br>tomonidan qabul qilinuvchi nerv impulslarini keltirib chiqaradi.</p> K.K.SHadmanov N.T.Qodirova. Copyright (c) 2024 K.K.SHadmanov N.T.Qodirova. 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 5 12 16 5G-GA ASOSLANGAN D2D TARMOG‘IDA BOG‘LANGANLIKNI TA’MINLASH USULLARI <p>Ushbu tezisda 5G ga asoslangan D2D bog‘langanlikni<br>ta’minlash, ya’ni ikki (yoki bir nechta) foydalanuvchi qurilmalariga tarmoq<br>ishtirokisiz o‘zaro ta’sir o’tkazish imkonini beradigan tarmoq haqida yoritilgan.<br>D2D aloqalarining to‘rtta asosit turlarini ajratish mumkin. Birinchi turdagi qurilma<br>sotaning chetida yoki BS ning qamrov zonasidan tashqarida joylashganida va<br>boshqa qurilmalar BS ga ulanish uchun takrorlagich sifatida ishlatiladi.</p> D.T.Hasanov A.K.Urazimbetova Copyright (c) 2024 D.T.Hasanov A.K.Urazimbetova 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 5 17 20 "Women’s character in Pearl Buck's 'The Good Earth'" <p>Pearl Buck's "The Good Earth" offers a nuanced portrayal of women amidst the<br>backdrop of rural Chinese society. This article explores the roles, resilience, and<br>challenges faced by female characters, highlighting themes of gender, agency, and<br>family dynamics.</p> Khurshida Ibodullayevna Toshova Copyright (c) 2024 Khurshida Ibodullayevna Toshova 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 21 24 LINGUOPOETIC FEATURES OF KHAYRIDDIN SULTONOV'S WORKS <p>This article explores the linguopoetic features of Khayriddin Sultonov's works,<br>focusing on his unique stylistic and linguistic characteristics. By examining<br>Sultonov's use of language, imagery, and thematic elements, the article aims to<br>highlight his contributions to Uzbek literature. Through detailed analysis and<br>comparison with his contemporaries, the study provides insights into the cultural and<br>philosophical underpinnings of his writings, illustrating how his work reflects and<br>influences the literary landscape.</p> Sohiba Gazibekova Copyright (c) 2024 Sohiba Gazibekova 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 25 29 PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Мы знаем, что мощь любой страны определяется интеллектуальным </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">потенциалом ее молодежи. Это напрямую зависит от качества образования. Особое </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">внимание уделяется эффективности образовательного процесса в научных </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">исследованиях по совершенствованию инноваций, интеграции и контролю качества образования </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">в образовательной системе. В исследованиях в этом направлении осуществляется совершенствование </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">теоретико-методических основ мониторинга качества </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">обучения, реализация государственных образовательных стандартов на основе компетентностного </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">подхода, внедрение инновационных идей, информационно-коммуникационных </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">технологий в систему непрерывного образования. , научно обоснованные предложения </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">и рекомендации. Особое внимание уделяется развитию системы, </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">выявлению факторов, влияющих на качество образования и обучения, автоматизации </span></span><br><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">контроля качества обучения.</span></span></p> DILNOZA ABDULLAEVA Copyright (c) 2024 DILNOZA ABDULLAEVA 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 30 34 TOVUSHNING FIZIKAVIY XARAKTERISTIKALARI VA TIBBIYOTDA TOVUSHDAN FOYDALANISH. <p>Biz atrofimizdagi asosiy ma'lumotlarni eshitish va ko‘rish<br>organlari orqali qabul qilamiz. Ikkala holda ham biz ob'ektlar haqida ma'lumotlarni<br>ular bilan jismoniy kontaktsiz olamiz. Tovush va yorug‘lik turli fizik hodisalar<br>bo‘lishiga qaramay, ularning har ikkisi ham to‘lqindir. To‘lqinlar tomonidan<br>tashiladigan energiya bizning sensor mexanizmlarimizni qo‘zg‘atadi.</p> K.K.SHadmanov N.T.Qodirova. Copyright (c) 2024 K.K.SHadmanov N.T.Qodirova. 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 35 39 LINGUISTIC AND SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS OF THE CATEGORY OF LAUGHTER <p>The cultural space of the community of individual people reflects ethno-specific<br>situations and situations that provoke individual laughter reactions, which are<br>perceived as universal, as well as funny by representatives of different groups of<br>people. Laughter is a universal phenomenon, and at the same time reflects national<br>characteristics. In the jokes of representatives of different linguistic and cultural<br>communities about how and what, the general and specific laws of the comic<br>worldview are manifested. In this article, we have revealed the linguistic and sociocultural aspect of the category of laughter.</p> Azimova Zamira Bakhriddinova Ekhtiborkhan Adakhamovna Copyright (c) 2024 Azimova Zamira Bakhriddinova Ekhtiborkhan Adakhamovna 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 40 49 ПРИЧИНЫ ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИЯ ПОЖАРОВ <p>Пожары могут возникать по множеству причин, включая<br>непреднамеренное или умышленное поджоги, технические неисправности,<br>природные явления как молнии и засухи. Они также могут быть вызваны<br>сбоями в электрических устройствах и системах. Важно принимать<br>предотвращающие меры, такие как установка сигнализаций, обучение<br>населения правилам пожарной безопасности и создание противопожарных зон<br>в лесных массивах. Борьба с пожарами включает в себя быструю и<br>координированную работу пожарных служб, использование<br>специализированной техники и методов тушения пожаров. Эффективное<br>управление и профилактика пожаров способны значительно снизить их<br>негативные последствия для общества и окружающей среды..</p> Мохира Хайдарбекуова Copyright (c) 2024 Мохира Хайдарбекуова 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 50 56 LATE IMMUNE STATUS COMPLICATED WITH ALPORT SYNDROME IN CHILDREN <p>Today, the frequency of Alport syndrome among the world's<br>population is 1:5000. Among them, chronic renal failure (CRF) accounts for 1% of<br>all kidney pathologies in the European population, and 2.3% of patients undergo<br>kidney transplantation. Alport syndrome occurs in all continents and nations of the<br>world. It is noted that the frequency of the disease is higher than the information<br>given in the literature.</p> 1Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, 2Boltaboeva Muqaddas Mashrabovna, 2Ganieva Marifat Shakirovna, 1Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, 2Boltaboeva Muqaddas Mashrabovna, 2Ganieva Marifat Shakirovna, Copyright (c) 2024 1Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, 2Boltaboeva Muqaddas Mashrabovna, 2Ganieva Marifat Shakirovna, 1Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, 2Boltaboeva Muqaddas Mashrabovna, 2Ganieva Marifat Shakirovna, 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 57 58 FEATURES OF THE COURSE OF NEPHROTIC SYNDROME IN CHILDREN WITH HEMORRHAGIC VASCULITIS <p>It is known that when nephrotic syndrome (NS) is comorbid with<br>other pathologies, including hemorrhagic vasculitis (HV), clinical and laboratory<br>processes have significant features, the main cause of which is considered to be<br>immunological changes in the body. The annual incidence of hepatitis B reaches 2<br>cases per 10 thousand population, and there is a widespread increase in the number<br>of such patients.</p> Nizomutdinov Avazbek Maripdzhanovich Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna Copyright (c) 2024 Nizomutdinov Avazbek Maripdzhanovich Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 59 60 A CASE OF LOWE SYNDROME IN A 4-YEAR-OLD GIRL <p>Lowe's syndrome is a rare multisystem disorder characterized by<br>congenital cataracts, glaucoma, mental retardation, seizures, postnatal growth<br>retardation, and renal tubular dysfunction with chronic renal failure. The disease is<br>inherited in an X-linked pattern, the prevalence is 1/500,000, and men are often<br>affected. In children, clinical symptoms are characterized by renal, neurological, and<br>ocular abnormalities. Lowe's oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome occurs as a result of<br>mutations in the OCRL gene (Xq25), leading to the accumulation of<br>phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate, impaired membrane transport and impaired<br>remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. In the kidney, disruption of endosomal<br>transport reduces protein reabsorption in the proximal tubule. In the eye, abnormal<br>actin remodeling leads to disorganization of the embryonic lens epithelium and<br>abnormal development of the trabecular meshwork, which regulates the outflow of<br>aqueous humor from the eye.</p> Madzhidova Nilufar Mansuralievna Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna Copyright (c) 2024 Madzhidova Nilufar Mansuralievna Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 61 63 PRODUCTION OF IL-2, IL-4 IN CHILDREN WITH COMORBID COURSE OF NEPHROTIC SYNDROME WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA <p>Currently, more than 300 thousand patients suffer from bronchial<br>asthma in the world, 14% of them are children. Every year, the progression of<br>chronic renal failure (CRF) among children due to nephrotic syndrome (NS) leads<br>to early disability, which has not only medical, but also socio-economic significance.</p> Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Mirrakhimova Maktuba Khabibullaevna, Sidikov Dilmurod Akmalovich Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Mirrakhimova Maktuba Khabibullaevna, Sidikov Dilmurod Akmalovich Copyright (c) 2024 Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Mirrakhimova Maktuba Khabibullaevna, Sidikov Dilmurod Akmalovich Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Mirrakhimova Maktuba Khabibullaevna, Sidikov Dilmurod Akmalovich 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 64 65 IMMUNOPATHOLOGICAL SHIFT IN CHILDREN WITH LYMPHATIC DIATHESIS IN THE ARAL REGION CONDITIONS <p>Lymphatic diathesis (LD) is a constitutional anomaly, which is<br>manifested by lymphoproliferative processes and hypoplasia of the endocrine and<br>cardiovascular systems. The main symptoms are lymphatism and impaired<br>immunity, impaired water-salt metabolism, and cardiovascular failure. The high<br>relevance of lymphatic diathesis is due to its incompletely studied nature and severe<br>complications in the form of thymomegaly and acute adrenal insufficiency, which<br>can lead to sudden infant death.</p> Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Muhammadkhonov Abdulfaizkhon Shamsuddinkhon ugli Iskandarova Iroda Rustamovna Copyright (c) 2024 Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna, Muhammadkhonov Abdulfaizkhon Shamsuddinkhon ugli Iskandarova Iroda Rustamovna 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 66 67 CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS IN CHILDREN WITH LYMPHATIC DIATHESIS <p>Currently, cardiovascular pathology is one of the leading<br>problems in children. Congenital heart defects are the largest nosological group in<br>terms of number and significance due to high detection and mortality rates among<br>the child population. According to modern statistics: for every 1000 newborns, 5-20<br>children are born with congenital heart defects. Also pays serious attention to the<br>course of congenital heart defects with background pathology, including lymphatic<br>diathesis in children. Lymphatic diathesis (LD) is characterized by the<br>chronicization of various acute inflammatory processes in the child’s body, the<br>development of secondary unclassified immunodeficiency, “lymphatic status” and<br>“sudden death” syndromes.</p> Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna Andijan State Medical Institute Teshaboev Umidjon Mahamatzhonovich Copyright (c) 2024 Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna Andijan State Medical Institute Teshaboev Umidjon Mahamatzhonovich 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 68 69 RISK FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF RENAL AMYLOIDOSE IN JOINT-VISCERAL FORM OF JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS <p>Currently, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has become a<br>medical and social problem. This is fundamentally related to the significant increase<br>in the number of diseases among children, often severe, progressive late and early<br>development of disability</p> Akramjon Muzaffarovich Rakhmanov Copyright (c) 2024 Akramjon Muzaffarovich Rakhmanov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 70 71 OLIY TA’LIM MUASSASALARIDA BOTANIKA FANIDAN “YUKSAK O‘SIMLIKLAR MODULI” NI O‘QITISH METODIKASINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH MODELI <p>Ushbi maqola o‘qitishning metodik tizimi elementlarini<br>muayyan mazmun bilan tо‘ldirish va xususiy-didaktik tamoyillariga asoslanib,<br>ta’lim jarayonining subyekt-obyekt munosabatlarini amalga oshirishni o‘z ichiga<br>oladi. Shuningdek, yuksak о‘simliklar modulini о‘qitishda keys stadi, nostandart<br>testlar, loyihalash kabi metod, vosita va texnologiyalardan tо‘g‘ri foydalangan<br>ravishda о‘quv jarayoni va о‘quv jarayonidan tashqari vaqtlarda talabalar bilan<br>о‘zaro munosabatda bо‘lish uchun qanday imkoniyatlarni ishga solish haqidagi<br>tahlillar maqolada aks ettirilgan</p> Sh.X.Saidmuratov Saidmuratov Copyright (c) 2024 Sh.X.Saidmuratov Saidmuratov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 72 75 BOTANIKA FANIDAN “YUKSAK О‘SIMLIKLAR MODULI” NI O‘QITISHDA TA’LIM SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH UCHUN INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALARDAN FOYDALANISH METODIKASI <p>Ushbi maqolada botanika fanini o‘qitishda kompyuter<br>texnologiyalarini qo‘llash dolzarbligi, talabalarning bilim olishi jarayonining<br>yangi bosqichiga ko‘tarilishi uchun telektron resurslardan samarali foydalanish<br>haqida, shuningdek, botanika fanini o‘qitishda pedagogik va axborot<br>texnologiyalardan foydalanish bo‘yicha respublikamiz va jahon miqyosidagi<br>olimlarning ishlari tahlil qilingan. Bugungi kunda talabalarning kasbiy faoliyatga<br>tayyorlashga qo‘yilayotgan zamonaviy talablardan biri, o‘qitishda<br>kompetensiyaviy yondashuvni amalga oshirish hisoblanadi. O‘qitish metodikasi,<br>texnika va audiovizual vositalarni takomillashtirish o‘qitish sifati hamda ta’lim<br>tizimini boshqarishga juda katta ta’sir ko‘rsatilishi maqolada aks ettirilgan.</p> Sh.X.Saidmuratov Saidmuratov Copyright (c) 2024 Sh.X.Saidmuratov Saidmuratov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 76 81 INGICHKABARGLI SHUVOQ UYG‘UNLIGIDAGI BETAGALISULIBOSHLI YAYLOV TIPINING HOZIRGI HOLATI (QASHQADARYO TOG ‘OLDI YAYLOVLARI MISOLIDA) <p>Ushbu maqolada tog‘ yaylovlarining fitotsenotik xilma-xilligini<br>aniqlash, tarixiy shakllanishini ochib berish, turli omillar ta’sirida yaylov<br>jamoalarida kechadigan o‘zgarishlarni baholash, tog‘ yaylovlarini saqlab qolish<br>bo‘yicha olib borilgan tadqiqotlar hamda Qashqadaryo tog‘ va tog‘oldi<br>mintaqalarida tarqalgan yaylov xillari haqidagi ma’lumotlar yoritilgan</p> Jalilov Doston Komil o‘g‘li, Azizova Durdona Habibulla qizi O‘ktam Eshtemirovich Xo‘janazarov Copyright (c) 2024 Jalilov Doston Komil o‘g‘li, Azizova Durdona Habibulla qizi O‘ktam Eshtemirovich Xo‘janazarov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 82 88 METHODS OF DEVELOPING CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS OF PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS <p>The development of creative thinking is also helped by the gradual<br>internalization of the means of educational activities. As the educational process<br>develops, the student becomes attentive to writing, reading and everything around<br>him. Psychological and pedagogical support for students in general, both for the<br>development of creative thinking.<br>Key words: creative thinking, development, digital technologies, management,<br>educational activities, learner, mechanisms, general secondary education,<br>educational technologies and tools.</p> Firuz Khakimov Copyright (c) 2024 Firuz Khakimov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 89 92 ВОЗРАСТНЫЕ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ КОЛИЧЕСТВЕННЫХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ СТРУКТУРНЫХ ПРИЗНАКОВ КОЖУРЫ СЕМЯН ХЛОПЧАТНИКА <p>В статье изучено анатомическое строение семенной<br>кожуры и покровов семенных коробочек разного возраста G. herbaceum L. и<br>G. hirsutum L., принадлежащих культурным представителям хлопчатника.<br>Определены сходства и различия в их строении, формировании и скорости<br>развития кожуры семян.</p> М.У.Адхамова, Ф.А.Акрамова Н.В.Тутушкина Copyright (c) 2024 М.У.Адхамова, Ф.А.Акрамова Н.В.Тутушкина 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 93 97 NON-STANDARD STUDY TASKS USED IN BOTANY TEACHING <p>Independent study is a form of education offered by many high<br>schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. It is sometimes referred to as<br>directed study, and is an educational activity undertaken by an individual with little<br>to no supervision. Typically a student and professor or teacher agree upon a topic<br>for the student to research with guidance from the instructor for an agreed upon<br>amount of credits. Independent studies provide a way for well-motivated students to<br>pursue a topic of interest that does not necessarily fit into a traditional academic<br>curriculum. They are a way for students to learn specialized material or gain research<br>experience [4]. In the early twenty-first century, many courses delivered within a<br>traditional format are expected to have some component of independent study and<br>to build independent learning skills. The major elements of independent study are<br>the following: individualized teaching and learning takes place through the student's<br>activity; a tutorial relationship exists; learning is m</p> Shokhid Khusanovich Saidmuratov Copyright (c) 2024 Shokhid Khusanovich Saidmuratov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 98 101 Creative potential of the teacher <p>One of the main conditions for success in creating innovative products and<br>services is creativity, or creative thinking. Without a powerful significant and<br>permanent inflow of new ideas, education would simply cease to exist.</p> Gavkhar Siddikovna Fuzailova Copyright (c) 2024 Gavkhar Siddikovna Fuzailova 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 102 105 Best Practices for Data Protection on Mobile Devices <p>In today's digital landscape, the pervasive use of mobile devices<br>presents both convenience and security challenges. With the abundance of<br>personal and sensitive data stored on mobile devices, data protection has<br>become paramount. This article explores the importance of data protection on<br>mobile devices, discussing key strategies such as encryption, authentication,<br>software updates, secure cloud storage, remote wipe and backup, cautious<br>sharing practices, and user education. By implementing these measures,<br>individuals can enhance the security of their data on mobile devices,<br>mitigating the risks of data breaches and unauthorized access. Prioritizing data<br>protection on mobile devices is crucial for safeguarding personal information,<br>preventing financial loss, and promoting a safe digital environment.</p> Khusanboy Shoraimov Copyright (c) 2024 Khusanboy Shoraimov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 106 108 ОСОБЕННОСТИ МИКРОБИОЦЕНОЗА КОЖИ СПОРТИВНОГО КОНТИНГЕНТА. <p><strong>В настоящее время, популяризация и развитие</strong><br><strong>массового спорта является одной из приоритетных задач Узбекистана.</strong><br><strong>Для реализации этой задачи на постоянной основе разрабатываются</strong><br><strong>ряд государственных программ. Одним из распространенных</strong><br><strong>практических медико-биологических направлений науки остается</strong><br><strong>влияние спортивной специализации на уровень здоровья, а одно из</strong><br><strong>звеньев – микробиоценоз кожи спортсмена. </strong></p> Махмудов Д.Э. Абдукаримов Б.А. Махсумова Н. У Copyright (c) 2024 Махмудов Д.Э. Абдукаримов Б.А. Махсумова Н. У 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 109 110 The Role of Government Policy in Promoting Green Economics <p>This article examines the crucial role of government policy in promoting<br>green economics. It delves into various policy frameworks, their implementation<br>strategies, and the economic impacts of green policies. Through comparative<br>analysis and case studies, the article highlights the successes and challenges faced<br>by different countries. Finally, it offers recommendations for future policy directions<br>to ensure sustainable economic development.</p> Sardor Murodov Copyright (c) 2024 Sardor Murodov 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 111 115 СОМАТОТИП СПОРТСМЕНОВ, ЗАНИМАЮЩИХСЯ ЦИКЛИЧЕСКИМИ ВИДАМИ СПОРТА. <p>В настоящее время, в связи с возрастающими требованиями к<br>спорту в общем и к спортсмену, одним из распространенных практических<br>медико-биологических направлений науки остается спортивная<br>соматотипология. По мнению М.Г. Мартиросова, если спортивная<br>деятельность адекватна морфофункциональным особенностям организма, то<br>возможности генофонда раскрываются наиболее полно и реализуются в<br>морфофункциональном статусе спортсменов. Необходимость изучения<br>морфологических показателей спортсменов различных видов спорта<br>актуальна, главным образом, в связи с постоянной потребностью в уточнении<br>критериев спортивного отбора. В большинстве видов спорта существует<br>целый ряд четко сформулированных антропометрических модельных<br>характеристик, без соблюдения которых добиться успеха в конкретной<br>дисциплине практически невозможно.</p> Махмудов Д.Э., Хаялиев Р.Я., Абдукаримов Б.А Таралева Т.А. Copyright (c) 2024 Махмудов Д.Э., Хаялиев Р.Я., Абдукаримов Б.А Таралева Т.А. 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 116 117 СОМАТОТИП СПОРТСМЕНОВ, ЗАНИМАЮЩИХСЯ ЦИКЛИЧЕСКИМИ ВИДАМИ СПОРТА. <p>В настоящее время, в связи с возрастающими требованиями к<br>спорту в общем и к спортсмену, одним из распространенных практических<br>медико-биологических направлений науки остается спортивная<br>соматотипология. По мнению М.Г. Мартиросова, если спортивная<br>деятельность адекватна морфофункциональным особенностям организма, то<br>возможности генофонда раскрываются наиболее полно и реализуются в<br>морфофункциональном статусе спортсменов. Необходимость изучения<br>морфологических показателей спортсменов различных видов спорта<br>актуальна, главным образом, в связи с постоянной потребностью в уточнении<br>критериев спортивного отбора. В большинстве видов спорта существует<br>целый ряд четко сформулированных антропометрических модельных<br>характеристик, без соблюдения которых добиться успеха в конкретной<br>дисциплине практически невозможно.</p> Махмудов Д.Э., Хаялиев Р.Я., Абдукаримов Б.А. Таралева Т.А. Copyright (c) 2024 Махмудов Д.Э., Хаялиев Р.Я., Абдукаримов Б.А. Таралева Т.А. 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 5 118 120 CULTURAL ADAPTATION IN AI-POWERED EDUCATIONAL PLATFORMS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the educational landscape, and its<br>applications in language learning and support for international students are<br>particularly promising. However, to be truly effective, AI-powered educational<br>platforms must be culturally adapted to meet the unique needs and experiences of<br>international students.</p> Eldar Serverovich Reshitov Copyright (c) 2024 Eldar Serverovich Reshitov 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 121 123 THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION IN FOSTERING INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the educational landscape, and its<br>applications in language learning and support for international students are<br>particularly promising. However, to be truly effective, AI-powered educational<br>platforms must be culturally adapted to meet the unique needs and experiences of<br>international students.</p> Shoxibonu Muxammadovna Kadirova Copyright (c) 2024 Shoxibonu Muxammadovna Kadirova 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 124 126 AI AND LIFELONG LEARNING: OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL ADULT EDUCATION <p>International education plays a crucial role in fostering innovation and<br>entrepreneurship among students. This study investigates the impact of international<br>education on students' innovation and entrepreneurial skills, attitudes, and career<br>aspirations. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, including surveys,<br>interviews, and case studies, to gather data from students enrolled in international<br>education programs. The findings suggest that international education has a<br>significant positive impact on students' innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities.<br>Graduates with international education experience are more likely to be innovative<br>and entrepreneurial in their careers, and they have higher rates of business success.<br>The study concludes that international education is a valuable investment for<br>individuals and societies seeking to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.</p> Gulchiroy Turayeva Copyright (c) 2024 Gulchiroy Turayeva 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 127 129 THE POTENTIAL OF AI IN REDUCING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AMONG INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS <p>Academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism and contract cheating, is a growing<br>concern in higher education, particularly among international students. Artificial<br>Intelligence (AI) offers promising solutions to detect and prevent academic<br>dishonesty, fostering a more equitable and academically rigorous learning<br>environment.</p> Gulchiroy Turayeva Copyright (c) 2024 Gulchiroy Turayeva 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 130 132 O‘QUVCHILARNING O‘QIB TUSHUNISH KO‘NIKMASINI RIVOJLANTIRISHNING PSIXOLOGIK VA PEDAGOGIK ASOSLARI <p>Ona tili darslarida oʻquvchilarning oʻqib tushunish koʻnikmalarini<br>rivojlantirishning pedagogik va psixalogik usullari mavjud. Pedagogik jarayon –<br>biror shaxs tomonidan o‘rgatish, ko‘rsatishni taqozo qiladi. Psixologik jarayon<br>– diqqatni jamlagan holda o‘qilayotgan narsaga qarash, tikilishni talab qiladi.<br>Oʻqib tushunish faoliyati oʻquvchilarga oʻqituvchi tomonidan oʻrgatilsada,<br>faoliyatni qabul qilish va boshqarish oʻquvchi tomonidan amalga oshiriladi. Aqliy<br>faoliyat jarayonlari ta’lim oluvchining psixologik holatiga bogʻliq. Pedogogik<br>jarayon bu biror bir shaxs tomonidan oʻrgatish, koʻrsatishni taqozo qiladigan<br>jarayon.</p> Dinora Azamjon qizi Sapayeva Copyright (c) 2024 Dinora Azamjon qizi Sapayeva 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 133 138 Exploring Typological Approaches to Teaching Adjective Levels in Uzbek to Foreign Language Learners <p>In recent years, there has been a growing interest in teaching Uzbek as a<br>foreign language, particularly focusing on aspects like adjective levels. Adjectives play a<br>crucial role in language learning, as they are essential for expressing characteristics and<br>qualities. This article delves into the typological approaches for teaching adjective levels<br>in Uzbek to foreign language learners, exploring various methodologies, challenges, and<br>effective strategies.</p> Rayhona Karimova Copyright (c) 2024 Rayhona Karimova 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 139 140 Significance of Teaching Adjective Levels in Uzbek to Foreign Language Learners <p>Adjectives are fundamental elements of language that enable speakers to<br>describe and characterize the world around them. In the context of language education, the<br>teaching of adjectives holds particular importance as it contributes to learners' linguistic<br>proficiency, communicative competence, and intercultural understanding. This<br>significance is especially pronounced in the case of teaching adjective levels in Uzbek to<br>foreign language learners, where linguistic nuances play a crucial role in intercultural<br>communication and cross-cultural interactions.</p> Rayhona Karimova Copyright (c) 2024 Rayhona Karimova 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 141 142 USING INTERACTIVE METHODS IN DEVELOPING 4K SKILLS IN NATIVE LANGUAGE CLASSES <p>The basis of educational-methodological complexes introduced at<br>the presentation of new generation textbooks is the principle of critical thinking,<br>collective understanding, creativity (creativity) and development of communication<br>skills (4K). The article talks about the methods of using interactive methods in the<br>development of 4K skills in mother tongue classes.</p> NARGIZA O’KTAMOVNA JORAYEVA Copyright (c) 2024 NARGIZA O’KTAMOVNA JORAYEVA 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 5 143 146 THEORETICAL BASIS OF ORGANIZING EXTRA-CLASSROOM ACTIVITY IN PRIMARY CLASSES <p>The most important task of the school is to give the younger<br>generation deep and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of science, to develop<br>skills and abilities, and to apply them in practice. In this regard, we need such an<br>organization of education that would involve children in work. Much depends on the<br>teacher: how he organizes the work, including taking into account the level of<br>preparedness of the class, their interests, the individual and age characteristics of<br>each student, highlighting the feasibility of one or another form of extracurricular<br>work. If you take into account all these points, then you can organize extracurricular<br>work in such a way that it is easy to achieve high results. The article talks about the<br>methodology of organizing extracurricular educational activities of future<br>elementary school teachers.</p> Adiba Ismailovna Bakhronova Copyright (c) 2024 Adiba Ismailovna Bakhronova 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 5 147 150 DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SPEECH IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING FUTURE PRIMARY CLASS TEACHERS <p>Mathematical discourse is a necessary component of a teacher’s<br>mathematical literacy. The article provides information about the components of<br>mathematical speech of future primary school teachers.</p> Yuldosheva Khamrooy Ochilova Layla Temirovna Copyright (c) 2024 Yuldosheva Khamrooy Ochilova Layla Temirovna 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 151 155 The Role of Probability Theory in Risk Management <p>This article explores the integral role of probability theory in risk<br>management. It discusses the fundamental principles of probability theory and their<br>application in identifying, measuring, and mitigating risks across various domains<br>such as finance, operations, and insurance. By examining case studies and current<br>practices, the article highlights the advantages and limitations of probabilistic<br>models and suggests future directions for research and development in this field.</p> Sardor Murodov Copyright (c) 2024 Sardor Murodov 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 156 159 AI IN EARLY CHILDHOOD BENEFITS AND CHALLANGIES IN A MULTINATIONAL CONTEXT <p>This article explores the integral role of probability theory in risk<br>management. It discusses the fundamental principles of probability theory and their<br>application in identifying, measuring, and mitigating risks across various domains<br>such as finance, operations, and insurance. By examining case studies and current<br>practices, the article highlights the advantages and limitations of probabilistic<br>models and suggests future directions for research and development in this field.</p> Islomjon Axmadjonov Copyright (c) 2024 Islomjon Axmadjonov 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 160 163 THE IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS FOUNDATIONS <p>This paper explores the importance of mathematics and its foundations.<br>Mathematics is a fundamental part of human knowledge and understanding, and it<br>is used in a wide range of fields, from science and engineering to finance and<br>medicine. Mathematics is also essential for everyday tasks, such as counting,<br>measuring, and budgeting. The foundations of mathematics are based on axioms,<br>which are statements that are assumed to be true without proof. These axioms are<br>used to derive theorems, which are statements that can be proven using the axioms.<br>The foundations of mathematics have been studied for centuries, and they continue<br>to be a topic of active research today. This paper highlights the importance of<br>mathematics for solving problems, understanding the world around us,<br>communicating complex ideas, and providing a source of beauty and enjoyment.<br>Keywords: Mathematics, Foundations of mathematics, Axioms, Theorems, Problem<br>solving, Understanding the world, Communication, Beauty and enjoyment<br>Introduction</p> Nodira Jurayeva Copyright (c) 2024 Nodira Jurayeva 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 164 165 MOBIL ILOVALARNI ISHLAB CHIQISHDA OBYEKTLARDAN FOYDALANISH <p>Hozirgi vaqtda mobil qurilmalar turli xil funksiyalarga ega: Internetga kirish,<br>shu jumladan elektron pochtadan foydalanish, matnli messenjerlar va video<br>qo‘ng‘iroqlar yordamida aloqani qo‘llab-quvvatlash. Shu munosabat bilan, nafaqat<br>o‘yin-kulgi va dam olish uchun, balki ofis vazifalarini hal qilish uchun ham ko‘plab<br>dasturiy echimlar paydo bo‘ldi: hujjatlar, taqdimotlar, elektron jadvallar, grafiklar<br>va boshqalar bilan ishlash. Xodimlar ish vaqtida mobil qurilmalardan foydalanishini<br>hisobga olsak, korxonalar axborot xavfsizligi va korporativ siyosatning buzilishidan<br>xavotirda. Ammo ko‘plab korxonalar zamonaviy qurilmalarni taqiqlash o‘rniga<br>ishlab chiqarishga mobil texnologiyalarni joriy qila boshladilar. Mobil<br>texnologiyalarni joriy etish uch xil tushunchaga muvofiq amalga oshirilishi mumkin<br>[1, 2]. CYOD “Qurilmangizni tanlang” kontseptsiyasi mobil texnologiyalarning<br>dastlabki kunlarida eng mashhur bo‘lgan. Ushbu kontseptsiyadan foydalanib,<br>korxona xodimning xohishiga ko‘ra bitta yoki bir nechta qurilmani taklif qiladi.<br>Barcha qurilmalar korporativ siyosatga muvofiq sozlangan. Ammo bu texnologiya<br>tez rivojlanyapti, qurilmalar tezda eskirgan va xodimlar uchun ishlaydigan<br>qurilmadan foydalanish qulay emas, chunki shaxsiy imtiyozlarga asoslanib, har bir<br>kishi o‘z qurilmasini sotib olgan, shuning uchun hozirda bu kontseptsiya amalda<br>qo‘llanilmaydi. BYOD ning “O‘z qurilmangizni olib keeling” kontseptsiyasi<br>hozirda eng maqbul hisoblanadi. Xodim ish joyida shaxsiy qurilmasidan<br>foydalanadi, korporativ mobil ilovalar esa axborot xavfsizligi sifatini oshirish uchun<br>ko‘plab imkoniyatlarga ega. Bu kontseptsiya eng arzon hisoblanadi va buning<br>natijasida xodimlarning qoniqish darajasi ortadi.</p> M.E.Shaazizova M.Yu.Doshanova, Copyright (c) 2024 M.E.Shaazizova M.Yu.Doshanova, 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 166 168 APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY <p>In the past few years, there has been an increased interest in neural networks,<br>which are successfully used in various scientific fields - economics, medicine,<br>technology, geology, physics. Neural networks have entered the practical<br>application where it is necessary to solve the problems of forecasting, classification<br>or control. For decades, scientists around the world have been working to create<br>artificial intelligence that could match and surpass that of humans.</p> D.D.Isoqov M.Y.Doshchanova Copyright (c) 2024 D.D.Isoqov M.Y.Doshchanova 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 169 174 THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND THE PECULIARITIES OF THE APPLICATION OF IOT TECHNOLOGIES IN THEM <p>The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly transforming industries and<br>enabling innovative applications across sectors. This article examines development<br>strategies for leveraging IoT technologies and the unique considerations that must<br>be taken into account when implementing IoT solutions. Through a literature review<br>and analysis of use cases, we identify key elements of an effective IoT development<br>strategy, including clear objectives, scalable architecture, security and privacy<br>measures, data management, and continuous improvement. The article also<br>highlights several peculiarities of applying IoT technologies, such as interoperability<br>challenges, power and connectivity limitations, and the need for edge computing.</p> Behzod Alisher o’g’li Boboqulov Copyright (c) 2024 Behzod Alisher o’g’li Boboqulov 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 175 181 Designing linguistic competencies of elementary school students through mother tongue and reading literacy classes. <p>This article provides information about the levels of linguistic<br>competence of elementary school students and their types.Linguistic competence<br>refers to the set of knowledge of language units and the ability to use such units that<br>people use to express their thoughts and understand the thoughts of others</p> Dildora Nekmurodovna Omonova Copyright (c) 2024 Dildora Nekmurodovna Omonova 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 182 188 Глагол как часть речи и объект лингвистических исследований. <p>Статья посвящена глаголу как части речи. Как известно, глагол<br>занимает центральное место в системе русского языка. И может быть,<br>поэтому глагол не перестаёт быть объектом лингвистических исследований и<br>не перестаёт привлекать к себе внимание многих учёных-лингвистов. В<br>статье излагаются и анализируются различные научные подходы к описанию<br>данной части речи.</p> Сайёра Оринбаева Copyright (c) 2024 Сайёра Оринбаева 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 189 193 TREATMENT OF BRAIN CONUSIONS <p>Brain damage due to traumatic brain injury is divided into primary<br>and secondary. Primary damage is caused by the impact of traumatic force on the<br>bones of the skull, membranes and tissue of the brain, cerebral vessels and the<br>cerebrospinal fluid system.</p> Abbos Samandarov Copyright (c) 2024 Abbos Samandarov 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 194 199 Ta`lim sifatini oshirishda Axborot texnologiyalarining o`rni <p>Ushbu maqola Talim sifatini oshirish ko'p omillarni o'z ichiga oladi<br>va turli strategiyalar orqali amalga oshiriladi. Axborot texnologiyalari ta'lim sifatini<br>oshirishda juda katta ahamiyatga ega. Axborot texnologiyalari yordamida ta'lim sifatini<br>oshirish nafaqat o'qitish va o'qish jarayonlarini samarali qilish, balki talabalar va<br>o'qituvchilar uchun yangi imkoniyatlar yaratishga xizmat qiladi.</p> Nozima Baxtiyorovna Kuvatova Copyright (c) 2024 Nozima Baxtiyorovna Kuvatova 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 5 200 204 ASSISTED SURGERY FOR GASTRIC CANCER. <p>Gastric cancer is a malignant neoplasm that forms from the<br>mucous epithelium and grows rapidly, spreading to other organs. The altered cells<br>lose their original function, they only have the ability to divide uncontrollably,<br>which leads to a rapid increase in tumor size.</p> Toxir Ismailov Copyright (c) 2024 Toxir Ismailov 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 205 210 OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE <p>Obstructive jaundice is a syndrome in which the outflow of bile<br>from the bile ducts is impaired as a result of their obstruction. With obstructive<br>jaundice, bile accumulates in the ducts: due to obstacles in its path, it does not enter<br>the duodenum and does not participate in digestion.</p> Toxir Ismailov Copyright (c) 2024 Toxir Ismailov 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 5 211 215 Methodology for organizing educational practices aimed at the development of creative activity in students of the pedagogical college <p>This paper presents a methodology for organizing educational practices aimed<br>at the development of creative activity in students of the педагогический колледж.<br>Creativity is an essential skill for teachers, as it enables them to engage their students<br>in learning, motivate them to think critically, and help them develop their own<br>unique talents and abilities. The methodology presented in this paper is based on<br>five steps: identifying the desired outcomes, choosing appropriate activities, creating<br>a supportive learning environment, providing opportunities for feedback, and<br>celebrating success. By following these steps, teachers can create educational<br>practices that foster creative thinking and problem-solving in their students.</p> Nodira Tokhtasheva Copyright (c) 2024 Nodira Tokhtasheva 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 216 218 Methodology for organizing educational practices aimed at the development of creative activity in students of the pedagogical college <p>This paper presents a methodology for organizing educational practices aimed<br>at the development of creative activity in students of the педагогический колледж</p> Nodira Tokhtasheva Copyright (c) 2024 Nodira Tokhtasheva 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 5 216 218 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR USE <p>In today's time, digital knowledge and modern information technology are one<br>of the important conditions for achieving progress. Digital technologies not only<br>improve the management of the state and society and provide great facilities to<br>people in the social sphere. In addition, digital technologies provide the basis for<br>positive economic growth: increases the quality of products and services, and<br>reduces overhead costs, and another important advantage — the end of corruption.<br>In the address of the head of our state to the Supreme Assembly, the broad<br>implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of economic and social life was<br>also listed as the top priority.</p> Zamira Yusupova Copyright (c) 2024 Zamira Yusupova 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 219 221 SKELET-MUSKUL TIZIMINING RIVOJLANISHIDA VITAMIN VA MINERAL MODDALARNING AHAMIYATI <p>This article discusses the results of research conducted on the identification of<br>vitamins and minerals important for the normal development of the skeletal-muscular system,<br>which is becoming one of the current problems.</p> E.I.Mirzaolimov G’.R.Abdullayev Copyright (c) 2024 E.I.Mirzaolimov G’.R.Abdullayev 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 222 228 The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education <p>This article explores the growing trend of incorporating artificial<br>intelligence (AI) in the field of education. It discusses how AI technologies are being<br>used to enhance learning experiences, personalize education, and provide valuable<br>insights for educators. The potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI into<br>education are also examined.</p> Bahromov Azizjon Copyright (c) 2024 Bahromov Azizjon 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 229 231 DEVONAI HAQGOʻYLAR <p>In this article, the function of the madmen characters in artistic<br>prose poetics will be discussed. In particular, the meaning of the image in the works<br>Bygone days, The Rascal and Galatepaga qaytish (Return to<br>Galatepa) will be analyzed.</p> Sevinch Mukhtorova Copyright (c) 2024 Sevinch Mukhtorova 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 232 236 MIGRATSIYANI O’RGANISHDA IQTISODIY YONDASHUV <p>Ushbu maqolada sohada yetakchi bo’lib kelgan bir qancha<br>olimlarning gipotezalari va kriteriyalari keltirilgan migratsiyani o’rganish uchun<br>keltirilgan bir qancha sabablar yortilgan turli sohadagi olimlarning migratsiyaga<br>iqtisodiy yondashuvlari yortilgan.</p> Dilshoda Turg’unboyeva Copyright (c) 2024 Dilshoda Turg’unboyeva 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 237 240 Gender va salomatlik tushunchalari va fanda qo’llanilishi <p>Ayollarning huquq va imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish barqaror taraqqiyot jarayonini<br>tezlashtirishning nihoyatda muhim bir tamoyilidir. Ayollar va qizlarga qarshi barcha<br>turdagi kamsitishlarni yo‘q qilish nafaqat inson huquqlarini himoya qilish nuqtai<br>nazardan muhimdir, balki boshqa sohalarda ham rivojlanish jarayoniga ta’sir etuvchi<br>kuchli omillardan biridir. 2000 yilda BMT tizimidagi boshqa hamkorlari va butun<br>xalqaro hamjamiyat bilan birgalikda gender tengligi konsepsiyasini inson<br>faoliyatining asosiy tamoyillaridan biri sifatida qabul qilib oldi. Shundan buyon<br>mazkur yo‘nalishda sezilarli ijobiy o‘zgarishlarga erishildi. H</p> Kambarova Madinabonu Usmonov Rahimjon Copyright (c) 2024 Kambarova Madinabonu Usmonov Rahimjon 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 241 245 Increasing the Efficiency of Content Distribution Networks with Sustainable Economic Growth <p>Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) play a pivotal role in modern digital<br>ecosystems, serving as the backbone for delivering content efficiently to users<br>worldwide. However, as the digital landscape evolves and demands intensify, the<br>need to enhance the efficiency of CDNs becomes paramount. This paper explores<br>strategies to bolster the effectiveness of CDNs while fostering sustainable economic<br>growth. By examining technological advancements, economic principles, and<br>environmental considerations, we elucidate pathways to optimize CDNs, ensuring<br>they remain robust, scalable, and environmentally conscious. Through innovative<br>approaches and collaborative efforts, CDNs can drive sustainable economic growth<br>while meeting the evolving demands of the digital era.</p> Shakhlo Khujamatova Copyright (c) 2024 Shakhlo Khujamatova 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 246 249 THE ROLE OF THE IT FIELD TRAINING SYSTEM <p>This article will demystify IT training by delving into its essence, exploring<br>its role in today's tech-driven world, and examining its importance for Learning<br>Management Systems (LMSs). We will also discuss the best ways to benefit from<br>IT training for employees and organizations, including upskilling and reskilling<br>opportunities, enhanced productivity, and reduced employee turnover. Furthermore,<br>we will distinguish between IT training and development, highlight who can benefit<br>from it, and explore the essential components of effective IT learning programs. Join<br>us as we navigate the challenges faced in IT training and uncover future trends<br>shaping the industry. Get ready to harness the power of digital transformation and<br>take your skills to new heights.</p> Zamira Yusupova Copyright (c) 2024 Zamira Yusupova 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 5 250 252 The use of some biomarkers (digomo-γ-linolenic acid) in stroke in patients of Tashkent city <p>When admitting patients with ischemic stroke (IS), the choice of treatment methods<br>determines its effectiveness and these factors play a special role in a positive<br>outcome for stroke patients.</p> Rakhimbayeva G.S. Gazieva Sh.R Copyright (c) 2024 Rakhimbayeva G.S. Gazieva Sh.R 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 5 253 253 Questions of the prognostic value of signaling markers (peptidiolarginine deiminase 4) in patients with ischemic stroke in Tashkent <p>The data on admission of patients with ischemic stroke (IS) determine the tactics<br>and adjustments in treatment methods and these factors play a special role in the<br>management of stroke patients.</p> Gazieva Sh.R. Rakhimbayeva G.S. Copyright (c) 2024 Gazieva Sh.R. Rakhimbayeva G.S. 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 5 254 254