Currently, due to the complexity of the gas filtration process in multilayer
porous medium layers directly connected to each other, it is more difficult to
obtain adequate results. Because a good result can be achieved only by solving
such problems in three dimensions. This leads to its own complications.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop various efficient numerical methods,
calculation algorithms and create their software tools for calculating oil and gas
field exploitation rates. By using modern computer technology and applying
effective numerical methods, it is possible to obtain accurate numerical results
and present them in a visual form in 3D graphics. Numerical methods are used
to solve the boundary value problem set to the parabolic type differential
equation representing the process of unstable gas filtration in a porous medium
with a complex field [1, 2].
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nazirova E.Sh., Ne’matov A. Mahmudova M.M.