Contextually Associative Translation (CAP) method in translation studies: explanation with examples

How to Cite

Khudjaeva, R. M. . (2024). Contextually Associative Translation (CAP) method in translation studies: explanation with examples . Confrencea, 1(1), 171–175. Retrieved from


This article introduces the Contextually Associative Translation (CAP) method as a significant approach in the field of translation studies. CAP method aims to enhance the translation process by considering the context in which a particular text is embedded. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the CAP method along with several illustrative examples. By incorporating contextual factors, CAP method offers a deeper understanding of the translation process and its outcomes. The article concludes by highlighting the potential benefits of adopting CAP method in various translation practices

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ra’nokhon Mutalibjonovna Khudjaeva