The effectiveness of the herbicide Atlantis against weeds in the cultivation of winter wheat in the south of Uzbekistan

How to Cite

Abdivokhidovich, I. Z. . (2022). The effectiveness of the herbicide Atlantis against weeds in the cultivation of winter wheat in the south of Uzbekistan. Confrencea, 5(5), 110–114. Retrieved from


The use of the herbicide Atlantis 275-300 g/ha against weeds in
the fields of winter wheat in the south of Uzbekistan, it was found that 88.0-
92.4% of monocotyledonous and 87.8-91.6% of dicotyledonous weeds were
destroyed, 87.8-91.2 % of the total number of weeds. According to the norms for
the use of herbicides, the effectiveness against weeds exceeded 8.0-12.2%. The
effectiveness of herbicide Atlantis at a dose of 300 g/ha was 92.4% against
monocotyledonous weeds and 93.8% against dicotyledonous weeds. The
effectiveness of herbicide Atlantis was 92.4% against Chenopodium Botrys and
88.6% against Atriplex tatarica. Efficiency on poisonous weeds Acroptilon
repens 79.8%, Heliotropium dacycarpum 91.3%

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