The rapidly increasing malware goes beyond personal security threats and has a
negative effect on criminal society. To prevent these security threats, many anti-virus vendors
and analysts are starving to more efficiently distinguish malicious behavior. In order to
contribute to this, in this study, we try to detect malicious behavior by tracking the execution
flow of binary code. Our method of tracking the execution flow of the binary code utilizing the
BFS(Breath-First Search)algorithm advances static analysis based on binary code, but it can
be a method combining the advantage of static analysis and the advantage of dynamic
analysis. In addition to visualizing malicious behavior as a graph image based on APIs, it is
possible to analyze more obviously malicious behavior

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022 *Abdumuminov Abdurafiq Abdurashidovich, Ibragimov Jalaliddin Obidjon o'g'li, Shoraimov Khusanboy Uktamboyevich