The aerial part of wormwood during flowering, the leaves before flowering, contain
sesquiterpene lactones, bitter glycosides (absinthine, anabsinthine, artabsin and others), which
give the plant a peculiar bitter taste, saponins, flavonoids, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, resinous
and tannins, potassium salts, artemisetin, essential oil (0.2-0.5%), carotene, organic acids (malic,
succinic). Essential oil is a thick liquid of blue or dark green color with a sharp bitter taste

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Copyright (c) 2023 Toyiraxon Amirova Sheraliyevna, Nishonova Robiyaxon Muhammadzohir qizi , Erkinov Jamshidbek Dilshodbek ugli, Abduraimova Gulnoraxon komiljon qizi