In recent decades, there has been an increase in the number of patients with
purulent-inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, in particular during
pregnancy. Pancreatitis occupies the 3rd place among acute abdominal diseases [4].
According to various authors, patients with acute destructive pancreatitis make up
from 3.0% to 10.0% of all patients with complicated purulent diseases of the
abdominal cavity [7]. The prevalence of acute pancreatitis among pregnant women
is 1:4000 women. During gestation, acute pancreatitis can occur at any time, but
more often in the second half of it. Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis occurs in
every third pregnant woman and often coincides with the development of early
toxicosis [1,3,9]. According to Barayyuk N.V. (2015), the frequency of pancreatitis
ranges from 1:2880 to 1:11464 births. The mortality rate of women during gestation
is slightly higher than that of non-pregnant women. The presence of pregnancy can
significantly complicate the diagnosis of the disease [2]. With purulentinflammatory diseases of the pancreas, intrauterine fetal death often occurs.
Perinatal mortality is 38% [5,8].
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