Emergence and development of genres in ancient Turkic memoirs

How to Cite

Shadikulovich, K. T. . . (2023). Emergence and development of genres in ancient Turkic memoirs. Confrencea, 7(1), 29–31. Retrieved from https://confrencea.org/index.php/confrenceas/article/view/797


The literary process of the ancient Turkic and classical period is also unique
due to the specificity of genres. In the process of careful study of the system of
genres in ancient Turkish records, it will be possible to solve not only the literaryhistorical development, but also the issues related to the oldest art of words and the
ritual meanings underlying it. It will be possible to determine the continuation of
some genres (m. song) in "-turk" in a traditional way and the reasons for this
tradition by studying the genres in the old Turkish records.

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