Features of correction of impaired protein, hormonal, mineral metabolism and microcirculation in the treatment of patients with purulent wounds on the background of thyrotoxicosis

How to Cite

Yarikulov Sh.Sh, . S. M. S. B. . . (2023). Features of correction of impaired protein, hormonal, mineral metabolism and microcirculation in the treatment of patients with purulent wounds on the background of thyrotoxicosis . Confrencea, 8(1), 139–147. Retrieved from https://confrencea.org/index.php/confrenceas/article/view/917


Purulent surgical diseases against the background of endocrine pathologies
remains an urgent problem. The course of this pathology against the background of
diffuse toxic goiter with a combination of diabetes mellitus negatively affects the
outcome of the disease. The aim of the study was to study the clinical and laboratory
features of the course of purulent surgical diseases of soft tissues against the
background of diffuse toxic goiter and diabetes mellitus. The results of the study
showed that the timing of the normalization of the criteria for assessing the wound
process and the indicators of general intoxication of the organism of groups I and II
were 2-3 days late in patients with purulent surgical diseases of soft tissues against
the background of diffuse toxic goiter in combination with diabetes mellitus than in
patients with the background of only diffuse toxic goiter

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sharapova M.S., Safoyev B.B., Yarikulov Sh.Sh