The family is the most ancient social institution, which includes
many private institutions (the institution of marriage, the institution of kinship, the
institution of motherhood or fatherhood, etc.), the interest in the study of which
originated in antiquity. Functional, structural and psychological aspects of
marriage and family relations were studied by such ancient thinkers as Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle. It is interesting to note how different the approach of artists to the
theme of children and families. The family is the beginning and continuation of each
person. The feeling of family and kinship already arose when there were no records
or languages. And it is not surprising that this theme at all times manifested itself
and sounded in any work, in any religion and in every form of human art. With the
advent of fine art, talented artists painted portraits dedicated to the theme of family,
family, motherhood. In the best pictures, they conveyed not only the individuality
and unique character of the characters, but, above all, they conveyed tender
relationships, warmth and friendliness of feelings.. This article is devoted to the
analysis of the image of the family in the visual arts during the years of
independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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